Photonics Innovation Summit

The Photonics Innovation Summit in November will bring great minds together in San Francisco.

01 July 2008

A daylong event on photonics innovation in November will focus on the latest technology and opportunities for photonics entrepreneurship and ingenuity and will feature innovation expert and author Henry Chesbrough.

The Photonics Innovation Summit is being organized by SPIE; the Haas School of Business and the Lester Center for Entrepreneurship & Innovation at University of California Berkeley; and the Palo Alto Research Center (PARC). It is to be held 6 November in San Francisco (CA).

Chesbrough will give the opening keynote address, titled "Open Innovation." Chesbrough is the best-selling author of Open Innovation: The New Imperative for Creating and Profiting from Technology (for more information on the book, visit here). The book is based on his research on the innovative practices of large multinational companies. He will discuss the current research in open innovation, why it is an important approach in today's market, and how it can be implemented.

Chesbrough is an adjunct professor and executive director of the Center of Open Innovation at the Institute of Management, Innovation & Organization, Management of Technology Program at UC Berkeley.

Additional talks and panel discussions at the summit will focus on innovations for solar energy, biophotonics, and LEDS and the next generation of lighting. A special panel discussion on funding and venture capitalism will also take place with speakers Jennifer Ernst of PARC and Steve Eglash of Cyrium, among others.

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Posted for July through September, 2008.

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