Keisuke Goda plenary: Extreme Imaging and Beyond

A plenary talk from SPIE Optics + Photonics 2015.

31 August 2015

Imaging is an effective tool in scientific research, manufacturing, and medical practice. However, it is not easy to observe dynamic events that occur much faster or slower than the human time scale (found in photochemistry, phononics, fluidics, MEMS, and tribology). Unfortunately, traditional methods for imaging fall short in visualizing them due to their technical limitations.

A key example is the field of earthquakes and the imaging of the very slow friction between tectonic plates. Since regular friction laws are not valid in conditions of extremely high pressure and slow sliding speed, modeling and simulations are nearly impossible.

In this plenary session, Keisuke Goda of the University of Tokyo speaks on the current limits of the speed of imaging. Some fields of science are asking for ultrafast, but some also for ultraslow imaging, since both can exceed the human time scale.

Keisuke Goda is a professor of Physical Chemistry at the University of Tokyo and an ImPACT Program Manager, Cabinet Office, Government of Japan. His research focuses on imaging and spectroscopy. He obtained a BA from UC Berkeley and a PhD from MIT, both in physics.

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