Photo Gallery for Laser Anniversary Celebrations

26 June 2010

50 years of the laser in the City of Light
SPIE was an Associated Member at this event in Paris on 17 June.

SPIE President-Elect Katarina Svanberg with Sir Charles and Lady Kao 

SPIE President-Elect Katarina Svanberg presents a necktie honoring the laser anniversary to Nobel Prize winner Ahmed Zewail.

SPIE President-Elect Katarina Svanberg presents a necktie to Ferenc Krausz 

SPIE President-Elect Katarina Svanberg and Gerard Mourou.

Kathleen Maiman with the first laser.

Nobel Laureate Nicolaas Bloembergen and SPIE President-Elect Katarina Svanberg



Guests, including Claude Cohen-Tannoudji, Nicolaas Bloembergen, Charles Townes, Kathleen Maiman, Herbert Kroemer, and Gerard Mourou (left to right, first row), celebrate 50 years of the laser. 

 Many in attendance autographed the SPIE displays of laser luminaries.

Sune Svanberg, Katarina Svanberg, and Juris Upatnieks 

Charles Townes with two of his grandchildren, Collin Anderson and Sydney Townes-Witzel

Royal Academy of Engineering event in London 

SPIE Executive Director Eugene Arthurs and Sir Charles Kao

Charles Townes

 Donal Bradley, left, and Wilson Sibbett 

Lord Browne, Charles Townes, the Earl of Selbourne

Peter Schulz and George Newns

David Payne

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