Past Event Overview

SPIE DSS 2015 hosts the most important technical conferences and exhibition on optics, imaging, and sensing for defense, security, industry, health, and the environment.

Thank you to all who participated in the 2015 event.

Look here for 2015 Event News and 2015 Photos.

2015 Program
Download the SPIE DSS Final Program (23 MB PDF)
View David Brown's plenary talk: Emerging Research and Engineering Capabilities for NextGen Warfighters
Download the Technical Abstracts (3 MB PDF)
Download the SPIE DSS Exhibition Guide (60 MB PDF)
Two SPIE DSS Symposia
Sensing and Imaging for Commercial and Defense Applications

SPIE Sensing Technology + Applications
Commercial, Industrial, and Consumer Sensors and Imaging
Technologies: Hyperspectral Imaging; Fiber Optic Sensors; Spectroscopy; Terahertz Device and Systems; Compressive Sensing; Advanced Photon Counting Techniques; Advanced Environmental, Chemical, and Biological Sensing; Sensing for Harsh Environments; Wireless Sensing; Sensing for Agriculture and Food Safety; Biomedical/Physiological "Wearable" Sensors; Thermosense; Energy Harvesting; Sensors for Next-Generation Robotics; 3D Imaging & Visualization; Information Systems and Networks; and more.

SPIE Defense + Security
Sensors, Imaging, and Optics for a Safer World
Technologies: Infrared Sensors and Imaging Systems; Lasers and Systems; Mine/Chemical Detection (CBRNE); Ocean Sensing; Sensors and Command, Control, Communications, & Intelligence (C3I); Cyber Sensing/Security; Biometrics and Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance; Radar Sensors; Next-Generation Sensors and Systems, UAVs, Space; Display Technologies; Sensor Data and Information Exploitation; Imagery and Pattern Analysis; Information and System Networks; Pattern and Target Recognition; Geospatial Informatics; and more.

2015 Symposium Chairs
SPIE Defense + Security

Nils R. Sandell Jr., PhD.
Director, Strategic Technology Office
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
2015 Symposium Chair

David A. Logan
Vice President, and General Manager of Technology Solutions, BAE Systems
2015 Symposium Co-Chair

SPIE Sensing Technology + Applications

Wolfgang Schade
Clausthal Univ. of Technology and Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute
2015 Symposium Chair

Ming C. Wu
Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, University of California, Berkeley
(United States)
2015 Symposium Co-Chair

The East Coast's Largest Optics and Photonics Exhibition

The SPIE DSS Expo is an exhibition on optics, lasers, sensors, image processing, spectroscopy, infrared systems, thermal imaging, optoelectronic components, instrumentation, data analysis, and more. The DSS Expo serves attendees of both SPIE DSS symposia and visitors from around the world looking for the whole supplier chain and seeking products that improve capabilities at lower cost.

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