Past Event Overview

Thanks for attending SPIE Asia-Pacific Remote Sensing 2012, a symposium focusing on sensing technologies for environmental monitoring, last week in beautiful Kyoto, Japan.
Here's a look back at this year's event:

Final Program
The latest research was presented in:
Remote sensing of the atmosphere, clouds, and precipitation
Land surface remote sensing
Remote sensing of the ocean environment
Lidar remote sensing for environmental monitoring
Multispectral, hyperspectral, and ultraspectral remote sensing technology, techniques and applications
Earth-observing missions and sensors: development, implementation, and characterization
Remote sensing and modeling of the atmosphere, oceans and interactions

Visit the Japanese website for this symposium

2012 Symposium Chairs

Upendra Singh, NASA Langley Research Ctr.

Toshio Iguchi, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (Japan)